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Preparing Data for AI Governance: What Dynamics ERP customers can do today

Finance departments are on the cusp of an AI revolution. From fraud detection to algorithmic trading, AI holds immense potential for boosting efficiency, uncovering hidden insights, and driving growth. However, unlocking this potential hinges on one critical factor: data.

This webinar brings together a panel of distinguished financial experts for a thought-leadership discussion on how Dynamics ERP customers can prepare their data for responsible AI governance in finance.

Key Areas of Discussion:

  • Data Quality Imperative: The prerequisites of robust AI models.
  • Governance Frameworks for AI: Data security, privacy compliance, and ethical AI practices in your financial institution.
  • Turning Data into Insights: Practical strategies for Dynamics 365 users
  • The Future of AI in Finance: Guidance on navigating the challenges and maximizing the opportunities.

Join us for this insightful webinar and gain the knowledge you need to prepare your data for a future powered by AI!

Caria Collins
Senior Solutions Engineer
Warwick Leitch
Director, Solutions Engineering
Rick McCutcheon
Dynamics 365 CE/CRM MVP